Thursday, April 26, 2007

Olbermann on Giuliani

As angry, abrasive, and right as ever:

Let's be clear - I only endorse this as an angry rant on the behalf of citizens, not on the behalf of Democratic politicians, who ought to be defending themselves. Via Andrew Sullivan, Kevin Drum makes an excellent point:
So I was curious: how would the Dem candidates respond? With the usual whining? Or with something smart? Greg Sargent has today's responses from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton over at his site and the verdict is in: more whining....

Unbelievable. Neither one of them took the chance to do what Rudy did: explain in a few short sentences why the country would be safer with a Democrat in the Oval Office. Is it really that hard? Giuliani's position is clear: more war, more domestic surveillance, more torture, and fewer civil liberties. And while it's true that the liberal position on making America secure is a little more complicated than the schoolyard version of foreign affairs beloved of Bush-era Republicans, it's not that complicated. So instead of complaining about how mean Giuliani is, why can't Obama and Clinton just tell us what they'd do?

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