Monday, April 16, 2007

The Politics of a Very Young Tragedy

I think Spencer kind of has a point here:

[On] the DAY OF this tragedy the president, “horrified,” comes out in defense of responsible gun ownership. What would have happened if on September 11 at 5:00pm when the president addressed the nation, the president came out in defense of responsible airline use (and not planning to put stricter regulations into place), or responsible box cutter use?

The NRA and their politician friends have succeeded in sanctifying gun violence. Michelle Malkin is leading the charge today in propagating the Republicans’ superhero fantasy that more guns are the solution, i.e., that if CCW laws were more lax ordinary people toting concealed semiautomatics will be able to step up and blast people like our Virginia Tech lunatic:

Andrew's Dad, noting a recent editorial from Va. Tech's university relations vice president arguing against allowing students to carry in self-defense on campus, blogs:

"Just imagine if students were armed. We no longer need to imag[in]e what will happen when they are not armed."

I feel like I have a talent for gestalt-ing my perspective on world events between left and right. But one viewpoint I've never been able to grasp is conservatives' love affair with crossfire. It's toxic.

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