Friday, April 13, 2007

Student Conduct Code, Continuing Coverage

I’ve been behind this week, but we continue our coverage of the fatuous attempt of some of UW's neighbors to get the kids to turn that damn devil's music down. On Wednesday, the Daily featured a detailed report on the proposed Student Conduct Code, which the legislature managed to strongarm the ASUW into endorsing. The basic idea behind the SCC:

Under the proposed change, students living between Northeast 45th Street and Northeast Ravenna Boulevard and 15th Avenue Northeast and 22nd Avenue Northeast who receive citations for incidents, such as noise violations, property destruction or public lewdness, could be subject to university disciplinary actions.

I don’t know how this affects me – I live on 15th, but on the Ave side of 15th. And that’s a very important problem for the proponents of this childish exercise in busybody civics, isn’t it? The University Park Community Clubs, whom both the legislative delegation of the 43rd district and the UW administration seem eager to placate, wish to carve out this tiny swath of Seattle (representing only a fraction of the actual student population) and designate it as a sacred plot of quiet. It’s as if the map was conceived to underscore the arbitrary quality of the whole enterprise – only the disruptive students in this little square should be subject to citation? The sheer caprice with which the boundaries of this new project were drawn up should be its knell. Do we even need to move on to the timeworn debate over redundant jurisdictions?

And for some ungodly reason, the university still feels the need to say that it does not endorse thuggish behavior among its students:

The proposal also gives the UW the authority to take disciplinary action against students convicted of violent crimes regardless of where the crime might occur.

Otherwise, I suppose, one of the premier research institutions in the world might get a reputation for bangin’.

Stay tuned for new developments in this story, complete with snarky eye-rolling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.