Sunday, April 1, 2007

Were We Talking About a War on Vice?

We should be clear. Not all “puritans” are pure. In fact, I daresay most of their leaders are demagogues, and not dangerous demagogues at that – just annoying busybodies. The Seattle Times reports on the University of Washington’s changes to the Administrative Code:

Students who receive a citation from either campus or Seattle police would get a warning letter from the UW. A second citation could require the student to attend mediation with an accuser. A third police citation — or failure to attend mediation — would allow the UW to initiate disciplinary action up to expulsion.

Students accused of breaking the law would still be subject to any legal action brought by police or prosecutors.

You see, the Hobbesian “sovereign terror” isn’t enough to deter the “rowdy” kids on Greek Row. The UW administrators have to get a piece of the action too. But wait! Didn’t the ASUW vote for this?

UW officials won a key victory in January when the UW student body voted in favor of such changes, after resisting them in previous years. The vote came after some state lawmakers threatened to impose new rules unless the UW began policing students more vigorously.

That’s Frank Chopp for you. The actual homeowners know they have electoral hegemony and they aren’t afraid to use it. And yes, the college kids don’t vote. Shame on us. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is a redundant, useless, imperious bane on our lives, does it?

Meanwhile, UW officials are proposing a second measure that would allow them to impose academic sanctions on students who are convicted of certain serious crimes — no matter where the crimes take place. Those crimes are physical abuse, sexual abuse, harassment, stalking, hazing and possession or manufacture of explosives.

“Possession or manufacture of explosives”? Seriously? Evidently, prison time for bomb-making isn't a sufficient blight on a resume – we need to shave a bit of GPA off that chemistry degree too.

Here’s a thought – PROTECT US. The maligned area north of 45th has been the scene of God knows how many shootings, stabbings, and arson attacks, NONE of which, as far as I am able to remember, were committed by Huskies. The U-District has the highest concentration of registered sex offenders in the state. We may not vote, but we all have parents who do.

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